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    1. All text, images, and audio and video manuscripts marked as "Source: Panzhu Environmental Protection Network" on this website belong to Panzhu Environmental Protection Network. Any media, website, or individual who reprints, links, reposts, or uses them in any other way must indicate "Source: Panzhu Environmental Protection Network". Violators will be held responsible by this website in accordance with the law.

    2. All text, images, and audio and video articles not marked as "Source: Panzhu Environmental Protection Network" on this website are reproduced from other media, and the purpose of reproduction is to convey more information and does not represent the views of this website. If other media, websites, or individuals download and use from this website, they must retain the source of the manuscript indicated on this website and bear legal responsibilities such as copyright. If the article is tampered with without authorization as "Source: Panzhu Environmental Protection Network", this website will be held responsible in accordance with the law.

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Regarding Disclaimer:

    All content on Panzhu Environmental Protection Network is intended to better serve the audience. This website does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of all information, text, graphics, links, and other items. The content is for the reference of visitors only. Panzhu Environmental Protection Network does not assume any commercial or legal responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the content on this website.

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    Any contributor to the Pan Pearl Environmental Protection Network must ensure the originality and authenticity of the content. Any legal consequences resulting from plagiarism, falsification, or other actions of the manuscript shall be borne by the contributor, and this website reserves the right to pursue compensation and other related rights.

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